Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Persuading, encouraging, Preventing

SMA kelas 12 ipa.
awal memasuki semester 2 guru saya menerangkan 3 expressions yaitu : persuading, encouraging, preventing. kami diberi contoh-contoh kalimat expression tersebut, dan dibawah ini contoh-contoh kalimat yang menyatakan expression tersebut .

expressions of Persuading  :
- Let's join... You won"t regret it.
- Buy me this one, Mom. Please?
- i'm begging you. Will you..?
- Please buy me a watch. I really need it.
- I really think you'd do well to...
- Oh, come on !
- Just this once !
- Are you really sure you can't/couldn't ...?
- I really think it would be a pity if we didn't..
- Can't I persuade you to..?

Expressions of Encouraging :
- You have my support
- you're doing very well
- You like it? Go for it!
- it wouldn't hurt
- Keep at it!
- You can do it!
- No pain, no gain
- We feel you should go ahead
- i'm sure you'll win!
- Go on, you can do it!
- Don't give up
- Keep it up!
- Stick to it!
- Give it a shot

ini contoh short dialog yang sudah saya buat dengan temanku . dan sudah saya presentasikan. hasil nilanya dapet 85 (lumayan lah buat tambah2 nilai bagus *hehehhe)

Weni : Tan, I choose to join Abang & None contest in Lumajang , What do you think about it?
Tantri : Wauw, it's great for you.
Weni : But, I doubt
Tantri : Why do you feel it?
Weni : I'm afraid I will not perform well
Tantri: Keep it up! you're doing very well .
Weni : You're right. But what if I fail?
Tantri : Just believe in your self. You have my support. OK?
Weni : OK . Thanks tan for encouraging me. I'm ready now
Tantri : GOOd wen :)

Expressions of Preventing someone from doing something
- you mustn't ....!
- You shouldn't (really)...
- You'd better not...
- (for goodness sake) don't look!
- You can't ...!
- You're not (really) supposed to...
- I don't really think you should ...
- Stop! Wait! (Or other imperativs)

itu tadi sekilas about expressions of persuading.encouraging. and preventing. Semoga bermanfaat bagi sobat-sobat yang sudah membacanya .


9 komentar:

  1. makasih ya ini sangat membantu :)

  2. tq banget,,,saya lagi butuh expressing persuade,,,salam kenal

  3. Thanks sis, akhirnya tugas bahasa inggrisnya selesai juga. :-) jangan lupa kunbal ke blog ane ya hehe promosi

    1. iya sama2.. oke aku kunjungi blognya... :)

    2. iya sama2.. oke aku kunjungi blognya... :)

  4. Terimakasih ya,, blog ini sangat membantu saya dalam tugas bhs inggris saya :-)
    Oya kunjungi blog saya juga yaa :-)


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